Game-based learning uses the immersive quality of play to reach learning outcomes and leave a long- lasting impression on the players. The specific goals of an educational game can be diverse: to spark curiosity, start a group discussion, revise content in a more interactive format, or provide an embodied experience that prolongs the learning effect.
In Shokkin Group we have been developing educational games and game design trainings for nearly a decade, and we now offer custom educational game sessions for schools, youth centers and any other education and youth work-related institution.
Players interact with a game board, game pieces and/or cards in a competitive or cooperative gameplay.
Players discover clues and solve puzzles within a game narrative in order to "escape the room" in a limited time.
A portable escape game that fits in a small container and can be used simultaneously by several teams.
Players adopt specific roles in a fictional setting within the rules of the game while trying to reach the goal.
Our sessions are delivered for groups of different ages and sizes by our trained game masters in English, Estonian or Russian, and adapted to the needs and interest of the target group. Fill in the service request form below in order to receive tailored recommendations and price offers. We will be happy to help!