Board game sessions

Sessions with up to 24 players at the same time

“Hip Hop Academy” (90 min) | Management
A cooperative story-driven board game about making decisions while managing a youth organization and maintaining a balance between human resources, financial management and external communication. Players learn how different decisions affect the development of an organization and what struggles board members go through.

“Pitch Perfect” (60 min) | Entrepreneurship
A competitive idea generation game that can be played in larger groups. Players draw cards (Target Audience and Need) and quickly generate a business idea that is then pitched to “potential investors”. Students will have experience in generating ideas, presenting quick pitches and evaluating ideas of one another.

“Break the circle” (60 min) | Employability
A strategic board game about ability development through extra-curricular activities. Players are university students who try to develop their abilities through different extra-curricular activities to become the most interesting prospective graduate.

“Who Hacked You?” (60 min) | Digital safety
An engaging card game combining wit and role-play to foster discussions and exploration of this topic. Players unravel the mystery of the scam, learn about real-world digital security threats, and discover practical insights along the way.

“Job Interview” (45 min) | Employability
A role play-driven card game played in pairs or trios. The goal of the game is to pass an interview by answering the employer’s questions as accurately as possible while completing challenges. Students will learn what questions are usually encountered in interviews and develop a more relaxed and confident attitude to job interviews.

Game sessions from 120 EUR