Would you like to live in an Utopia, or Reality is enough for you? How does the Utopian education look like and how to get there? Alina, Marina and Ksenia were looking for answers for these questions during a week in Denmark on the training course “European Education: Utopia or Realty?”.

They shared and discussed educational systems in countries such as Estonia, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Holland, Latvia, United Kingdom, United States of America, Ukraine and Colombia. During the training course there were introduced to some didactic information and tools, and participants got the possibility to try them out.

For a week, the group of participants was assessing current educational systems and then dreaming about the perfect or Utopian school, about the values, teachers roles, grading system and what do we want to teach to younger generations. As a result, a conference was organised in Aarhus Universitet in Copenhagen on 9th of March where we shared our ideas and empowered others to come along with us.

More detailed information and also didactic tools can be found in an upcoming booklet. Stay tuned!

Read more about the Conference event in this link.

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