"My name is Olga, and I recently took part in the international training course 'Reinforcing Games as an Educational Tool for Social Change', in Rustavi (Georgia), organised by Shokkin Group Estonia and other international youth organisations. The topic of the project was inclusion as a problem among youngsters, and its main aim was to create … Continue reading Olga’s experience discovering educational games in Georgia
Dear community, In Shokkin Group we have been working for 10 years organizing educational events that bring young people with different backgrounds together both in Estonia and internationally. We hosted many Ukrainians in Tallinn, sent many young people to Ukraine, co-organized a festival in Russia and thanks to the work of regional partners, we had … Continue reading Intercultural Talks: Everyone can help!
"From 14th to 20th November I participated in the project 'Gamestorming: gamification in youth information' in Barcelona. There I got to know nothing less than 17 different organizations from different countries with whom we discovered very interesting partnerships. We exchanged ideas and skills for future projects, and the whole week we explored different types of … Continue reading Contact Making Seminar “Gamestorming: Gamification in Youth Information”
"Being part of my first Erasmus+ project with Shokkin Group was an amazing experience. The topic of the project was a bit confusing for me in the beginning, as I was not aware of the term "educational escape room". The possibility to participate helped me start thinking about it and doing my research. The objective … Continue reading Diving into educational escape rooms in Georgia: Escape Radicalization 2.0
From 10th to 18th September 2021, Alesja and Anna-Liisu participated in the international Erasmus+ training course "Leading Ladder", run by Shokkin Group Estonia and Be International and hosted by A Jornada dos Heróis in Aguiar da Beira (Portugal). The project topic was facilitation and leadership, and here they share some impressions about their learning and … Continue reading Reminiscing about “Leading Ladder” in Portugal
28. novembril toimus Põhjala Tehases Botiku Kohvikus MTÜ Shokkin Groupi 10. juubelipidu. Peol oli võimalik tutvuda organisatsiooni arengulooga, jagada teistega enda mälestusi ja nautida pidulikku õhkkonda. Lisaks oli võimalik end kurssi viia organisatsiooni lähiaja plaanidega. Mis on Shokkin Group? Shokkin Group tegeleb ürituste korraldamisega nii Eestis kui ka välismaal. Need tegevused on reeglina suunatud noorte … Continue reading Shokkin Group tähistas oma 10. aastapäeva
"EmPLAYability" was the second training activity of the KA2 Strategic partnership project with the same name implemented by four organizations from Estonia, Spain, France, Italy and Croatia. The project we involved youth leaders/workers from each country to discover the set of educational games developed on the topic of youth employability. "I have always believed that, … Continue reading “EmPLAYability” magic in Barcelona
For someone who is looking to get out of their comfort zone, meet and engage with people from different countries, make international friends and learn something new, I would say: Do not hesitate, go sign up for a project with Shokkin Group!" "I was going to this project with the intention to gain some hope … Continue reading Youth Exchange “Creating a Climate for Change” in Greece
"I have learned a lot from this training course, as this experience was totally different for me. I had never attended any non-formal education training, so I really enjoyed the fact that we can learn so much with a more practical approach instead of theoretically. I found this way more interesting and effective. Starting from … Continue reading “Eduboardz” and our sunny experience in Malta
This summer I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to take part in the training course "Breakout" in Borgo Incoronata (Italy), after being away from the Erasmus+ world for what felt like an eternity. The topic of the project? Creating and testing portable educational escape rooms. I’ve been working as a social studies and … Continue reading Of how we went all the way to Italy to discover educational escape rooms