The 5th (and last!) edition of our Shokkin Kamp took place in a new place for us, EELK Laagrikeskus Talu, in the beginning of December 2019. Participants arrived to the venue in the morning of Saturday 7th and had some time to explore the new territory. There we found many interesting things there such as a live chicken house, a big bell and large fields around. Participants had some time to settle down, enjoy some snacks and start the first conversations. In the first session everyone got to know each other through different games and tasks, and also we learnt more about the nature of the project and the organization behind (Shokkin Group Estonia) with a brief presentation.

It was the last step of the beautiful #ShokkinKamp journey, and that meant it would be an amazing one!

The topic of this last edition was “Social innovation“ , which is quite unusual and a bit of a difficult word to understand for some of us. So the second session was dedicated to unveil the misterious concept with short sketches and a bit of research and presentations done in teams. We continued in the afternoon discovering the meaning of social innovation and getting to know what different ideas are a result of a socially innovative process and what else could be done using social innovation. 

Our minds were full of information, so the evening was made to free our heads and get to know each other better. Board games, gingerbread decorations, photobooth and even sauna – all of this we could enjoy in the evening! So amazing that we did not want to go to sleep, but still, next day was ahead and we needed to get some rest…

The second day, Sunday, started with a delicious breakfast and an energizing game OUTSIDE so everyone could wake the minds up and freeze a little. Then, we received a group challenge to strecht our brains and waken up our creative thinking by playing “PITCH PERFECT”, an educational board game developed by Shokkin Group Estonia within the KA2 project “Game On”. Since we were ready and warmed up, the next step was to start thinking about our community problems that need to be solved. 

For this, we presented the “empathy map” canvas and, in different groups, we carried out a target group analysis of different sections of youngsters in Estonia. What are their main problems/worries= What do they want to achieve? This helped us to brainstormed ideas and to  come up, together with our teams, with our own social innovation ideas, which we later on pitched to other teams . Even more – other teams were  evaluating the idea and in the end we chose the winner! 

We all enjoyed this two days experience and will hope to see each other again! #StayShokkin 

Check out the photo album in our Facebook page!

“Shokkin Kamp: Your Decision to Act!” is a long-term solidarity project funded by the #EuropeanSolidarityCorps through Noorteagentuur with the support of Tallinna Spordi ja Noorsooamet.