be enterprising


The project ”NATURAL EXPERIENCE-EXPERIENTIAL NATURE” addresses the importance of spending time outdoors. Explore nature! Keep away all the gadgets! Find unity with Yourself and environment around You!

The project gathers representatives or young organizations, people who work with youth, or just young people in the age of 18-26 who are keen on outdoor activities and would like to experience new environment and face new challenges. There will be 5 participants + 1 experienced group leader from the following countries: Armenia, Denmark, Estonia, Georgia, Moldova and Poland.

Only 3 free places left for Estonian participants!

Accommodation, food and other project-related costs are covered by the ERASMUS+ programme. 70% of travel costs will be reimbursed during one month after the project!

Hooked? Read infopack, fill the application form and send it to our email: and be prepared to spend awesome time in Kõrvemaa region, Estonia!

See You there!