Place: Raua 23
Date: 25.06.2022
Time: 18:00 – 20:30 (might finish earlier)

Fyodor Dostoevsky is a great classical writer. We all know his most popular books like “Crime and Punishment” and “The Idiot”, but what do we know about Dostoevsky himself? On 25.06 we will have the first meeting of a Literature club where we will discuss the biography of Dostoevsky and also we will speak about his short story “Crocodile”. 

RECOMMENDATION: it will be good if you read “Crocodile” before the Literature club.

NB! If you’re not interested in literature or you don’t know anything about Dostoevsky, you can still join us. This club is also made for those people who are not that interested in books. Maybe after this event you will realize that literature is actually worth your time. ❤️

Pre registration is needed:
This event is free and is open to everyone (members and not members)

#StayShokkin and see you on 25.06!