5 things you should know before starting your ESC adventure

My ESC adventure had been a dream of mine for many years, until 8 months ago, when I finally could pursue my voluntary service in the Netherlands. I thought I knew it all and nothing could surprise me along the way. Oh well, I was wrong! Even with years of international experience I still learned … Continue reading 5 things you should know before starting your ESC adventure

Gamechangers 2.0 | The online experience

Despite the lockdowns, the travelling restrictions and the difficulties to even meet physically in our organizations, one thing was clear for the Gamechangers team: we didn't want to miss the opportunity to spread the benefits of game-based learning among educators. So after multiple scenarios, plan A, B, C and even D, we decided to give … Continue reading Gamechangers 2.0 | The online experience

Shokkin Group: Tallinn’s Youth Organization of 2020

This year Shokkin Group received the award of “Tallinn’s Youth Organization of 2020”. In a year of uncertainty, safety measures against the Covid-19 pandemic and barely any physical meetings, Shokkin members and team still found the space to be creative and discover new approaches to projects, meetings and events, which led to the implementation of different … Continue reading Shokkin Group: Tallinn’s Youth Organization of 2020

“Get Involved” Shokkin weekend (life before COVID19)

On 7th and 8th of March 2020, the Shokkin Family spent the first spring weekend together in Oxforelli puhkekeskus learning about creative thinking and problems solving.  19 youngsters from Tallinn successfully travelled with us to the magic world of a creative ideas production by participating in the workshops about brainstorming and idea analysis techniques. Participants … Continue reading “Get Involved” Shokkin weekend (life before COVID19)

The graphic facilitation journey: #MARKERS2020

"Back at the beginning of February, I was provided with the very ‘hand opening’ opportunity to develop my graphic facilitation skills by one of the most interesting Youth NGO’s in all of Estonia, if not the Baltics: Shokkin Group. Now, when it comes to drawing, visuals, art or just decent handwriting, I am what you … Continue reading The graphic facilitation journey: #MARKERS2020

The #Gamechangers BalticsRussia experience

Invited guests of Gamechangers Fest "The two days of Gamechangers Fest in Saint Petersburg were really amazing from many perspectives. First of all, as a youth worker I was very interested to get an overview about new educational games and methods that are used by other specialists in the sphere of non-formal education. Also, it … Continue reading The #Gamechangers BalticsRussia experience

MessageWear | End of the project

MessageWear (MW) 2019 was a follow-up project based in the collaboration between Shokkin Group and Tallinn Youth centres (Kesklinna, Lasnamäe, Põhja-Tallinn, Mustamäe and Kristiine). Every partner organisation created a small MW team consisting of a youth leader and youngsters. During the project we managed to make cooperation between youth from different districts of our city, … Continue reading MessageWear | End of the project