Starting in May and until November 2018, Shokkin Group Estonia and Shokkin Group International are part of a very exciting twinning project “Prospects for Youth”, implemented in partnership with Institute for Youth Development in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan). The twinning program includes two study visits, one in Kyrgyzstan (implemented in July 2018) and one in Estonia (to be held in August/Septmeber). Since we are now preparing to host our partner in August in Tallinn, we want to share the story of the internship that already happened in Kyrgyzstan. Our chief of board Pavel completed his internship with Institute for Youth Development in Bishkek in late July. He and his twinning partner, Jadyra, are creating board games that will prepare young people to enter the job market.

The twinning project is about game-based learning and we are attempting on creating board games that contribute to preparing young people for entering the job market. The first stage of the twinning was a 7-day visit to Bishkek to learn about the youth work reality and observe the work of Institute for Youth Development.

During the week I got to know the team and activities of the partner organization; had the chance to see how citizens of Bishkek want to develop their city through “New Bishkek” contest; observed training of youth leaders from Chuy and Naryn; led focus groups on the topic of career guidance; delivered a two-day training about game-based learning and brainstormed ideas for an educational board game. It has been great to find inspiration from the twinning partner, being able to share my own passion and learn through a new perspective.

We have an idea in development for a large-scale KA2 project and will work on it at the second stage, when the twinning will happen in Estonia. I started putting the new learning in practice at Shokkin Group, already while waiting for my flight back!