Superfantastic training course about analyzing and creating educational games.
We need to learn! We need to learn all the time! Is it really possible to have classes for your whole life? Don´t think so. GAME – is magic instrument for learning, connecting, feeling, creating, having fun… Game can be everything as everything can be the game.
First part of the trainig was full of playing: we played and analyzed different types of team-building games and all kinds of already existing active games. The second part was about work: brainstorming in groups, creating legends, strategies, topics for our new games, and once when all stages were done… GAMES WERE READY! ‘Now let’s try them out!’ Oh my, it was a magic time playing 5 absolutely new games, all the time closing our eyes, thinking deeply about our life, choices, peole around us, attitudes, feelings… After each game was given a feedback from the group and from trainers as well for games developement arter the main activity. Brilliant memories and expressions.
Special moments
There was less free time…Maybe that’s why people were dancing so much! People. All projects are mainly about peole. The thing is – once we open this file with our games and start playing it with whoever, we will remember all those people, who were there in Misaktsiely, we will remember every moment spent with you…
Ok! You know what? Sometimes creating games gives you much more knowledge and fun than playing them. We totally recommend!
Much love