[COMPLETE] Training Course “MARKERS” (Estonia)

Places: 2 participants Venue: Estonia (venue to be confirmed) Hosting organization: Shokkin Group Estonia Project Dates: 29th January-7th February 2020 Deadline to send application form: 5th December 2019 Description "MARKERS" will be an international Erasmus+ training course organized by Shokkin Group Estonia. The main activity of the project will take place in Estonia during the period 29th January-7th February … Continue reading [COMPLETE] Training Course “MARKERS” (Estonia)

Cooperate and Escape: My first experience as a facilitator

This Autumn was very active for Shokkin Group Estonia, with local and international projects taking place almost every week. Let’s come back to mid-september to the project "Cooperate and Escape" with Shokkin Group Estonia and La Vibria Intercultural. The project took a place in the outskirts of Barcelona, where participants from 9 countries came together … Continue reading Cooperate and Escape: My first experience as a facilitator

Remembering “Eduboards: Exploring Educational Board Games” in Estonia

I've recently been lucky enough to join #Shokkin on a training course called "Eduboards: Exploring Educational Board Games". One, it was an amazing training course, really well prepared, designed and implemented and two, the organisation is fantastic with great members, staff and an incredible amount of energy that I do not understand from where they … Continue reading Remembering “Eduboards: Exploring Educational Board Games” in Estonia

Shokkin Kamp: Your Decision to Act! VOL.3 – Review

After two successful Shokkin Kamps, this autumn Shokkin Group came with the longer version of 36 hours Kamp from 27th to 29th of September in the midst of Estonian nature at Kloogarana Noortelaager. Shokkin Kamp: Your Decision to Act!" is a local ESC solidarity project implemented by Shokkin Group Estonia where young people can get … Continue reading Shokkin Kamp: Your Decision to Act! VOL.3 – Review

Our leadership adventure in “LEAD” (Malta)

  Last August I had the chance to take part in an amazing training course about leadership that was hosted by MUYA (Malta UNESCO Youth Association). The main objectives were to give participants a better understanding of a leader’s role (in youth exchanges) and to equip them with different tools to use in the future … Continue reading Our leadership adventure in “LEAD” (Malta)

Experience CME: “Connecting People, Organizations, Communities, Europe” in Turku (Finland)

In the beginning of September, the Shokkin team had an opportunity to be part of the Contact Making Event "Connecting People, Organizations, Communities, Europe" in Finland. As one of the organisations from 13 (!) different countries, we could present ourselves and look for new partners for upcoming projects.  The meeting was amazingly facilitated by Pavel … Continue reading Experience CME: “Connecting People, Organizations, Communities, Europe” in Turku (Finland)

Youth Exchange “UPGRADE” in Lviv (Ukraine)

Places: 7 participants Venue: Lviv (Ukraine) Hosting organization: Stella Travel reimbursement: 275 euros/participant Project Dates: 25.10-3.11.2019 Deadline to send application form: 25th September  2019 Description The long-term programme UPGRADE aims to increase the operational capacity and participatory approaches of Youth Centers in partner countries through creating youth work structures, developing professional competences of youth workers, establishing/exchanging the means … Continue reading Youth Exchange “UPGRADE” in Lviv (Ukraine)

Shokkin experience in “UPGRADE”

My goal was to dive deeper into the structure of youth work and understand how this system works, not only in Estonia, but also in other countries. "The aim of the long-term capacity-building project "UPGRADE" is to exchange experiences in working with youth, the creation of new ideas for improving the effectiveness of youth work, as … Continue reading Shokkin experience in “UPGRADE”

“Lead it Like You Mean It” – Training Course Experience

"Have you ever considered becoming an incredible youth leader? If yes, ‘Lead It like You Mean It’ has to be a ‘must’ project in your to do list! Recently I was lucky enough to become a part of an inspiring and extremely motivating Erasmus+ training course held in Brandbu, Norway by Shokkin Group Norge and Shokkin … Continue reading “Lead it Like You Mean It” – Training Course Experience

Shokkin Kamp: Your Decision to Act! VOL.2 – Review

Shokkin Kamp vol. 2 is over! We have spent an amazing time with youngsters in Paluhõhja Looduskool. The topic of this kamp was aimed at learning about environmental protection and ecology. Together with Liis and Jegor, the participants had a chance to go deeply into questions associated with defining different ecological problems that appear in … Continue reading Shokkin Kamp: Your Decision to Act! VOL.2 – Review