Traditional Shokkin Kamp (24h team-building activity for young people since 2012).
Beautiful countryside place – Harmi Barton School, with amazing field, garden and forest.
26 – 27 September 2015
For whom?
Young people from Tallinn (16+)
By whom?
Shokkin Group core team members
Shokkin Kamp is a nice example of short-term activities, which can bring many changes in young people mindsets.
Firs day started with nice name and ice-breaking games. Team building started with a lego-challenge, which let participants feel themselves as engineers, architects, builders and instruments. Everybody got perfect result and became much closer to each other. Next team-building game called Bottle challenge was much harder and we as organizers and as people, who tried this challenge many times, were not sure, that participants will manage. But they made a great job and finished the challenge in 45 minutes (usually it takes minimum 1,5h). In the end of the day the atmosphere between participants was not warm, IT WAS HOT! It´s ok, because the next game was called “Fire”. Participants became blind and their need was to save all the people who were in the improvised burning building. That was the game, while which we had the funniest pictures, but guys were really cool and did everything perfectly – they saved our lives. It feels like after this game everybody needed to relax, but NO! There was a dance-workshop, which became a really nice and funny dancing competition. Until midnight participants had a chance to think about themselves, about decisions they did and still need to do, about their attitude to different life situations – it’s all about Jeff´s exercise – calm and serious. The last point of this long day was bonfire with guitar, singing and storytelling. Yes, it was really long and colorful day, full of new friends, emotions and fun.
Second day met us with wonderful morning, which was a good start of analyzing and feedback processes. We were happy about the fantastic group feeling and wish to meet again. So… no problemJ see you in @ Shokkin Kamp!
Thanks to Vera for the photos from the event!