Venue: Kesklinna Noortekeskus (Raua, 23 | Tallinn)
Dates: 03-04 November 2023
Deadline to register: 15th October 2023
Language of the event: English (with support and mentorship available in Estonian and Russian)


InVideogames Jam is an educational experience that will bring together 15 teams of 3-5 young people to develop a video game prototype in 2 days.

Teams will be formed by young people with different interests and competences (programming, game design, visuals & art, music…). During the event, teams will work in a fun environment to create a videogame from scratch, using freeware tools and platforms with the overarching theme of “Mental Health”.

Who can participate?

Teams of 3-5 people aged 15-26 years old with notions of programming, game creation, art & graphics and sound & music. Are you interrested to participate but you don’t have a team yet? Join our Discord channel, post your profile and find team members to register with!

Application and deadline

If you would like to participate in this project, read the infopack thoroughly, gather your team and fill in the application form before 15th of October.

Infopack English
Infopack Estonian
Infopack Russian

This event is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission and Tallinn Education department.