“The topic of this project was the sharing of non-formal education tools, so it was very focused on exchanging knowledge and experiences, as well as creating partnerships. During these days, we shared a lot with each other. I remember in particular one session in which we had to draw our journey through non-formal education. It was really interesting for me to hear everyone’s journey and stories.

Besides, we had the chance to attend the Mediterranean Forum, a conference with a lot of different organizations shining a light on topics such as women’s rights, which I found inspiring. The group of participants was small but we had a good dynamic. It was very interesting for me to be in touch with such different cultures!

In my perspective, this project was a good opportunity for intercultural and knowledge exchange. I feel like now I’m more aware and accepting of other cultures and traditions!”

Julia Divonina

“During this week, we had a lot of different workshops and we got to see a lot of different methods in action. I particularly enjoyed the origami workshop: with just one piece of paper, we dived into the topics of mental health, self-expression and creativity. 

One of the highlights of the week was the big conference that we took part in. I was surprised by the amount of associations that are interested in doing something good in the field of non-formal education. It was well-organised and super interesting!

The group was also really interesting and diverse, too! I’m grateful that I had this opportunity to exchange ideas and skills for future projects, as well as travel and get in touch with cultures I wasn’t so familiar with. It was a pleasure to be a part of this project. Thank you Bokra Sawa and all the other organisations for this amazing week!

Alesja Jagolnik