„A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results.“ Wade Boggs
As every big and thoughtful journey should be ended, Entrerural part 4 was a grand curtains down for participants and organizers (including Shokkin group, ICYE Danmark, Droni, Civic forum) of Entrerural chain project. More than 30 people came to a small place Paekalda located close to the artificial lake Rummu.
This time it was really important to learn new methods of dissemination and new ways to share gained results. Make those outcomes visible and useful. Main focus was shifted to idea that we were actually able to create new tools together for the topic of rural entrepreneurship. Enthusiasm and motivation within our big Entrerural group was helping to concentrate on work and results were worth it. Campaigning, Press realises, Guides and other useful content was created during this training course.
Sessions of discussing within the group experience of previous parts of project was a beautiful chance to look through the project with new perspectives. Most of the participants knew each other by the 4th part of project, but still there were new people coming who were eager to give their perspective on the issue.This kind of mixture made it possible not to stop on achieved.
Although, this was a training course we get to experience rural entrepreneurship first-hand once again. Paeklada was created by enthusiasts to attract tourists and divers. Construction of this place took a lot of effort, so owners had a lot of things to say for our participants in terms of their experience.
Now you would think that it was it. Lessons learned and progress achieved. Obviously after Estonian training course we see it differently. We believe that this feeling of cooperation and reliability between members is about to take more serious development in the future. Entrerural chain project showed that members are open to share their ideas and their motivation is really high. So watch out for our next move!