A contact-making event was held together with Harju Ettevõtlus- ja Arenduskeskus with participants from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine, Armenia, Belarus & Georgia. This CME aimed to bring together representatives of various NGOs and empower them to cooperate within the Erasmus+ programme. During the contact-making event participants managed to get to know each other on a professional level, tell about organizations they are representing, think about the needs of the organizations & communities that they represented & of course work on project ideas.

The facilitators shared best practcies of Erasmus+ projects, gave tips on project management, need-assessment & international cooperation. By the end of the contact-making event mroe than 10 project ideas were born. Some of which were applied straight for the October deadline and some are being worked on to apply in February 2016.

It is always great to see motivated people discovering a new world full of oportunities for development of their organizations & communities.

We wish luck to all the projects & hope to see strong cooperation that will last for years & years.