The second batch of educational games of “Edugame: Expansion” are ready for download at But, what is the story behind?


Once again, the games were first tested in their original form with groups of young people from the local communities of all the partner countries (Bulgaria, Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Portugal and Slovakia). Then, partner organizations gathered valuable feedback and changes suggestions which served the coordinators in Shokkin Group (Estonia) to apply the first round of changes.

In October 2024 the second training activity for educators and youth workers took place in Leipzig (Germany), where once again, the games were subject to another round of analysis, this time from the perspective of the educators and people using these tools with youth groups.

After another round of changes, the English version was the first to be finalized and now the translated versions into all the languages of the consortium (Bulgarian, Estonian, German, Latvian, Portuguese, Slovak and Russian) are available to everyone!

Four educational tools

The games are now available for you, education or youth work practitioner, to download for free in 8 different languages and make your work with youth more engaging and meaningful.

When downloaded, each game contains a thourough game outline with technical characteristics, intro and rule texts, detailed gameplay descriptions, debriefing questions, suggestions for follow-up exercises, a material list and a restart list in the case of the escape games. Additonally, all the printable materials are available for download and are easy to print and prepare, making your experience hassle-free.

In this first output you will find the following games:

?“TalentAI” | Employability, job interview preparation
An easily escalable escape game providing players with a series of aspects one should keep in mind when taking a job interview: from body posture, to clear communication and CV crafting, the game is a perfect introduction to more elaborate sessions on employability and soft skills

?“Ticket to Holiday” | Social Inequality
A nerve-racking and yet relatable live action game that will immerse players in a world of classes, discrimination and social inequality.

?“Who Hacked You?” | Data security and online safety
A witty card game with a touch of role-play that introduces essential digital security principles alongside common mispractices of everyday life online.

?“TERRA” | Waste management and recycling
An engaging and visual game that invites young players to test their knowledge about waste separation and recycling. The game motivates players to embrace recycling and promote sustainable practices at home as they encounter common yet tricky items from everyday life.

Download the games for free

About the project

“Edugame: Expansion” is a long-term cooperation project in the field of youth that aims to further develop, translate, share and promote game-based learning solutions as an efficient approach to learning and therefore promote the use of quality game-based learning in formal and non-formal education contexts.

Edugame: Expansion” is co-funded by the European Union and supported by the Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps Agency for the Erasmus+ program (