In December Shokkin Group gave an opportunity to young people from Georgia, Netherlands, Belarus, Estonia, Ukraine and Denmark with different religions and backgrounds to make a miracle by themselves. They created a magic Christmas atmosphere and feeling for youngsters/children from Tallinn who may face economic or social or health obstacles.

Shokkin Christmas


During the first part of project participants were creating a performances and workshops for Tallinn Children Social centres and Children Houses and discussing culture learning education and stereotypes, pros of non-formal education, qualities of a perfect youth worker. Preparation for performances, which included fun scenes, circus, workshops, dances, games and even magic tricks, took 2 days of project. Then in two days of miracle participants visited 4 places and result of it was unbelievable, not because only of their professional skills, but also because of the children reaction and emotions.

  • Our house kids liked your show a lot. It was a moment where kids got to live themselves out and try something new. Children’s post-show emotions were so high. They were very satisfied.

Vitali Ardassov, Tallinn Youth Shelter

  • Big thanks, that you visited our Lasnamäe Social daycentre for children. Children liked your show very much. Especially they liked rice balls, which kids tried to juggling. Your project participants were very friendly with kids, and children had a lot of fun with them. The project was very useful for children, because they had opportunity to be in another language environment and saw different kind of culture. And big thanks for a new board game! We are waiting for you again

Katrin Kuuseorg, Lasnamäe Social Centre

After visiting those places participants were tired, but satisfied of results, children emotions and of course themselfs too. Emotions were so high, some of participants were crying, all of them get touched by children feedback.

Shokkin Christmas

Second part of the project took a place in a countryside of Estonia, in beautiful place named Vanaõue near Viljandi city. In these few days participants were sharing they traditions of celebrating a Christmas, relaxing, playing games, had a lot of fun and enjoying Christmas time with each other, because they became a one team, like a single mechanism, united with one goal to make this world a more kinder and better.

The project was funded by the European Commission’s programme Erasmus+ and supported by the National Agency of Estonia (Noorteagentuur).