We took part of the project “Agenda A.C.E. – Action, Contact, Excellence”. The third part of it, the evaluation part, took place in the Czech Republic in Kaprálův mlýn near Brno city. Though the accommodation site was initially designed to host scouts, it turned out to be a very comfortable place with trustful and helpful staff and friendly atmosphere. All the people, who took part at this phase, were already familiar with each other from the previous phases, so it was extremely pleasant to meet each other again and share some news about what happened in our lives and with our projects during past weeks. Participants were from Italy, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Czech Republic, Finland and Estonia.

The main aim of this part was to evaluate on the previous parts of the project and get to know how to implement our own projects written during the project course (naturally after they get funded). Through a week long course we managed to develop a guide for us and other future project writers, try ourselves to be facilitators in front of a crowded room of eager faces, come up with new project ideas which. The amazing team consisted of three trainers – Lela Bernatova (Georgia/Czech Republic), Ucha Burduli (Georgia) and Pavel Vassiljev (Estonia) – led us through this phase and project in general very professionally and never let the smile leave our faces. Even though the learning process was really intense, it was enormously enjoyable due to trainers being creative, not-pushing and always supportive and inspiring.

All the participants were very happy to see each other again, to share some news, to work in teams and spend free time together. By the end of this phase, which happened to be the end of the project as well, we felt as if we are a huge family spread all over Europe and looking forward to meet again. This amazing spiritual connection, which participants have now, is the good ground not only for friendship, but also for future cooperation in making new project motivated by our will to reunite.