The project “entrepreneurship on your way” took place in Nicosia, Cyprus, in a really nice hotel, not very far from the city centre with comfortable rooms and helpful staff. I wonder if the staff ever says `no`. We were treated as very important guests and that was very delightful experience. People of the project came from 9 different countries and with a lot to share among each other. We had Italy, Greece, Slovenia, Lithuania, Portugal, Czech Republic, Poland, Cyprus and Estonia.
The main aim of the project was to show the participants alternative solutions for career building and introduce entrepreneurship as a tool of fighting youth unemployment. It was pretty intense 5 days of a training course, with simulations, team buildings, and a lot of motivational rays from our trainers. Participants got inspired and taught by two trainers – Pavel Vassiljev (Estonia) and Lukasz Kosowski (Poland). The whole working process and tasks were set up in a creative and easy-to-get way. Days were pretty busy, we had one day-off and it was really important for self-reflection and relaxing. Participants managed to interact with each other not only during the sessions, but on their free time and build a strong team by the end of the project. Cultural differencies, language and background didn`t stood on a way of understanding one another, but grew a stronger interest and connection. We got to know a lot about different models and triggers that are making a huge impact towards our behaviour, skills and attitudes. With all this information, a little bit of magic and fun we improved our creative and critical thinking. Worked on ideas for future projects and future collaboration. It might be boring to read about the working/studying process, it`s always different on a spot.
I`d like to mention that organisers were well prepared for everything. When our bus broke down on the way from Limassol to Nicosia we recieved a new bus in 10 minutes, had some laughs and got back home safely. Before that we had an amazing boat trip in Limassol, some people got a tan even, while some jumped to the sea and found money. After all, that half of day, felt like a huge family is on a vacation. The family, that doesn`t lose it`s grip even on a free time. We were sharing start-up ideas and some other stories from our countries by sitting with a coffee or walking in the city. You got easily used to brainstorm, listen to interesting thoughts or working on ideas. It is very refreshing to be in this kind of environment, away from everyday routine, a place full of bright minds and willing to help if needed.
After this short week I feel full with knowledge, emotions and gratitude. Feels like inventing, creating, working on it – really inspired!
Anton Soans