As the name says it was magical. Our partners from Shokkin Group Latvia organized this great Project in a must see venue surrounded by forest and sea on the Latvian coast close to Liepāja. These guys managed to bring people from Spain, Poland, Malta, Turkey, Estonia, Latvia and Cyprus together to work, share and learn.
This Training course took place from 3th until 8th of November during this days we had several workshops where we learned to use games as a tool for non formal learning. We had the possibility to meet people from the game industry who showed us the process of game developing. With this knowledge and input we created together in teams, new games which could be used in the youth work area. Our results were also tested and improved to put it together in a game collection.
We also get in touch with the Latvian culture and had a traditional Latvian Band there. Music and dancing was a big part of the cultural evening which brought each other closer and gave us a awesome group feeling.
In the end we can say there a lot of things we will take with us and share with our communities. Knowledge, stories and friendship with people all over europe, an impressive event.